If you have been doing any research on the internet about this you have no doubt figured out that there are lots of ways to do a glitter wall. There are different looks and methods for each look. On this page, we have given you a bit of data to help you decide which method you might want to use.
Before you dive in- always test, test, test, before you begin your project. Materials and glitter vary and so do the results! |
,Craft Glitter can be used for glitter walls as long as they do not come in contact with solvents or prolonged sun exposure. If it does, it will melt and or bleed. It can come in contact with Super 77 Spray Glue, but only when the glitter is placed on top. Never spray Super 77 on top of the craft glitter or it will ruin it. You will not be able to mix it into epoxy, polyurethane, lacquer or related. Water based only products are what you would need to use with this type of glitter. Even then the colors can sometimes bleed so test!
Most Polyester Glitters can be used for any of the methods mentioned above on this page. You can mix it into lots of sealers, glazing, and many solvents (always test). There is a chart that will tell you which ones are solvent resistant: Usage Chart Flake Size: Rule of thumb with flake size is always- the larger the flake the bigger the sparkle. If you are looking for over the top glitz then larger flakes will give you that. If you look is more classy or subtle, then going with Ultra Fine is perhaps a better option. If you are buying glitter from us you will see that every glitter listing will give you the flake size and an image that looks like the one above (only blown up). You can use the image to really see the flake size and determine if it will work for you. Bleeding: All glitters have the potential to bleed their colors. This is why we always say test, test, test! Always do tests before you jump into a glitter wall project. You don't want to take your lovely wall and have glitter color bleeding all over. Not all color and types do, but it can happen. Please get samples and test! NOTE ON LIGHTING |
Glitter sparkles because of light. It is really that simple. This means if you have a dark room and you glitter the walls you really won't see the glitter. Keep that in mind when you design your room. If you plan to glitter one wall only, then make sure it is the one where sunlight hits or is closest to the ceiling lights. No windows or built-in lighting? Plan to have some clever direct lighting or lamps that are super close to the wall. If you want the sparkle to show, you need to think about the lighting just as much as getting the glitter onto the wall!